KipperTie’s Full Spectrum filter for RED is ‘Expert Mode’ for your DSMC2 system.
Developed over two years for our adventurous and high-profile natural history cinematography clients, this filter provides the ultimate in Full spectrum and IR imagery with outstanding sharpness. The filter has anti-reflective and protective coatings and comes housed in a genuine RED swappable mount.
Applications include:
Your Dragon will require the latest ‘swappable OLPF’ upgrade to have been installed. We recommend choosing the IR calibration in conjunction with this filter. Earlier firmware users, please use the LLO cal.
Expect to see false colour and to work the image hard in Redcine-X to develop your look, including heavy curves, inverting and transposing channels etc. Mono or Duo-tone images are often most attractive.
With original DSMC cameras this filter has no ‘low-pass’ function. The image will be as sharp as your lens and sensor can resolve in combination. On a standard colour Dragon, you may see aliasing in extremely high frequency detail. Monochrome Dragon is immune to this in almost all situations.
This filter transmits a wider range of wavelengths than any single lens is designed to accommodate at one time. Near-IR focus will be different from visible focus, potentially resulting in split or haloed focus. For best results you must filter at the front of the lens with colour or IR glass to choose the part of the spectrum you want to work in. Mixed sources of light can also show up the same focus issue.
Not all lenses perform equally in IR. Some will exhibit hotspots (if this is an issue, watch out for our upcoming IR-only filter), some will have internal reflection and flare issues, and some very modern lenses may appear darker than expected in IR due to their sophisticated coatings.