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Price: £13,800.00 - £13,999.99

3 Items

  1. Atlas Orion 21mm T2 PL - Imperial Scale
    £16,760.40 £13,967.00
    - +
    Not in stock - Usually Delivery 8-10 Weeks
  2. Fujinon HA14X4.5BERD-S HD ENG/EPF Super Wide Angle Lens
    £16,668.00 £13,890.00
    - +
    Not in stock - Usually Delivered >2 weeks
  3. Canon CN-E30-105mm T2.8 L SP Lens
    £16,794.00 £13,995.00
    - +
    Not in stock - Usually delivered in 10-14 days

Choosing from hundreds of camera lenses available to you can be confusing. From the wide angle lens, to the standard camera lens or the powerful telephoto. When searching for the right camera lens, you need to consider what features are most relevant to your needs. What will you be using the lens for?

If you're a beginner, there a few key features you can consider before you buy a camera lens, such as: aperture, focal length, the camera's image sensor and focus shift, image stabilisation or anti-shake factor and colour refraction correction. You can also complete your lens kit with our selection of lens accessories, mount adapters, follow focus, matte boxes, zoom & focus controllers, optical filters and more.

If you'd like to talk to one of our Camera Kit Experts, please call +44 (0) 1442 292929 or email us at